It’s been a while!

Well, how time flies! It’s been 5 months since I last blogged, and I have no excuses as to why it’s been so long. Can’t be bothered, haven’t got time, I’ll do it later or tomorrow,are all reasons not to that come to mind.

Why leave things till another day when life is too short? Cease the day and enjoy everyday as it is the last. I know this sounds a little maudling, but I am sitting in a doctors surgery  30 minutes early for an appointment!

It’s surprising the amount of things that have happened over the last few months. We’ve attended a 90th birthday party, a wedding

  and attended a school reunion.

We’ve visited London, Cambridge, Thetford and Clippesby! We’ve had afternoon tea on a London bus

and barbecued in the woods. Travelled in a row boat, a punt, a train  and on the Emirates Airline.

   Such wonderful times and memories to cherish for years to come.

Just like those shown in some photos I have recently found of happy family memories . 

Time to go,the doctor calls!